Welcome to Instructional Services!

The Instructional Services Department offers a variety of programs and services grounded in a Whole Child framework which are designed to support student achievement (both academic and social-emotional growth), effective instructional practices, and the development of systems of support at every level of the educational cascade.

Meet our Team.

Rebecca Longcore
Director of Learning

Kelli Gunn
MTSS Coordinator

Melissa Galvan
Behavioral Health Consultant

Kammy Leep
Early Literacy Coach

Stephanie Bush
Administrative Associate

Cindy Jamrog
Early Literacy Coach

Nicole VanDreumel
Early Literacy Coach

Jason Gauthier
Math Consultant

Lisa Collier
Early Literacy Coach

Professional Learning

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Looking for professional learning and development opportunities for instructional staff, teachers, coaches, administrators leadership teams? Instructional Services offers a wide range of engaging topics around effective practices in the field of education. Many offerings are a collaborative effort between Instructional Services, Specialized Instruction, and our Early Childhood departments. Browse course offerings to find events that bring the most current knowledge, research, and learning into the hands of our education colleagues!