The purpose of the Outstanding People for Education award is to honor and recognize people in public education who are excelling in their field and/or making an impact in the quality of education in Allegan County. This year, 27 individuals were selected by their school districts to receive this accolade. The awards were presented at a May 31st banquet at Martin Public Schools, sponsored by the Allegan County School Board Association.
Allegan Area ESA

Pictured left to right: Superintendent William Brown, Holly Krosschell, Ashlee Berens, and Don Baker.
Holly Krosschell
Recreational Therapist
Holly has been a dedicated recreational therapist at Hillside Learning Center and a loyal employee of Allegan Area ESA for 20 years. She has a positive attitude, out-of-the-box thinking, and determination to provide all students with life experiences that they may not usually participate in. Holly is a member of the Hillside whole child leadership team and leads our student activity committee. She has provided students with adaptive skiing opportunities, a variety of community experiences, and engaging activities throughout the school year. Through her teaching, she builds students' self-determination and independence. Holly is a leader and models a positive example as an Allegan Area ESA employee. Every day she makes a huge impact on the overall culture and environment at Hillside. We are fortunate to have Holly's support and expertise.
Ashlee Berens
Ashlee is a para educator in the Vet Tech program at the Tech Center. Since Ashlee joined the Tech Center staff, she has become an invaluable member of the program. She has made the students so much more career ready when they leave the program. The Work Based Learners who are interested in grooming, now have a true training facility where they can learn and expand their skills in a professional setting. Ashlee has helped build stronger bonds with the community as well. Each Thursday, the grooming students work with Paws with a Cause and help to groom animals that are preparing for careers as working animals. As a graduate of the Vet Tech program, it is so nice to see the positive impact that Ashlee is bringing back to the program, and we enjoy watching the progress of the students whom she mentors.
Don Baker
Don owns Woodhaven Cuts, a woodshop in Wayland. He hosts Transition Center students in his shop as part of their Handyman/Construction class. Don's easy calm demeanor and lighthearted interactions make Woodhaven Crafts a favorite place for students to attend.
Don has consistently offered up his shop space, equipment, and supplies for Transition Center students to use. He is always looking for opportunities to provide meaningful lessons, and often delays his own production so he can provide an opportunity for students to have a hand in building something amazing. He's a good role model for young adults because he's a hard worker, creative, inclusive, and generous. He organized his shop and built tables that are conducive to teaching a small group. Don’s support of Transition Center students is truly inspiring.
Allegan Public Schools
Pictured left to right: Superintendent James Antoine, Ron Orr, Jamie Antoine, and Mike Zimmer.
Ron Orr
Athletic Director
Ron has served Allegan Public Schools as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and currently as our district’s Athletic Director. Mr. Orr’s work ethic and dedication to our district’s students is evident in the countless hours he spends supporting, encouraging, and challenging them to be the best version of themselves they can be. Parents, students, coworkers, and coaches recognize his positivity, his willingness to offer a helping hand, and his focus on developing student character. He works tirelessly to promote and develop our successful athletic programs. He is a mentor to our students and takes time to connect with them to challenge them to join new sports, discuss their academic progress, and offer guidance as they make plans for their future. Ron is a champion for Allegan Public Schools, and for this we are excited to honor him as an outstanding person for education.
Mike Zimmer
Mike has served for several years Allegan Public Schools as a social studies teacher at L.E. White Middle School. Mr. Zimmer excels at creating a warm and friendly environment for his students, where all feel welcomed and appreciated. Parents praise his willingness to listen and his ability to build positive, lasting relationships with students. He offers sage advice to help his students navigate the challenges of middle school and is credited with helping them build their confidence. Mr. Zimmer’s positivity and empathy help foster a culture of caring at L.E. White Middle School, and for this Allegan Public Schools is excited to honor him as an outstanding person for education.
Jamie Antoine
Social Worker
Jamie has served our district for many years, mostly as the social worker for Allegan High School. Over the course of that time, she has also provided social work services in additional schools such as Dawson, North Ward, Allegan Online, and Outlook Academy. Mrs. Antoine has been described as a tenacious student advocate and has been witnessed by a nominating colleague as being an Uber driver, bouncer, Door Dasher, detective, algebra teacher, and–most importantly–a school mom. Mrs. Antoine is kind, compassionate, and fearless in her mission to support students that are extremely at-risk and that can be incredibly challenging to work with. Mrs. Antoine never gives up on the students that so many already have. For these reasons and many more, Allegan Public Schools is proud to honor her as an outstanding person for education.
Fennville Public Schools
Pictured left to right: Superintendent Jim Greydanus, Tammy Liebbe, Kelly Leiker, and Christina Ellis.
Christina Ellis
Christina is an exceptional teacher who cares deeply about her students. This dedication to the students at Fennville Elementary School is shown in her quiet compassionate teaching. She always makes herself available to her students and their parents, she is compassionate and supportive and has had to help her class through unthinkable circumstances this year when they tragically lost a classmate all while trying to deal with the tremendous loss herself. She always goes above and beyond to make sure the students in her class achieve the best of their abilities. Whether that means trying new teaching strategies, learning new curriculum, or just managing behaviors, Christina pushes herself to learn more so that she can help her students be successful. An example of how Christina challenges herself is by volunteering to teach a lesson during instructional rounds so she can get feedback from her peers about what worked and what could be improved on. She coaches Battle of the Books and is involved in many different committees to help our students. This selfless woman is an important asset to the staff, students, and parents of this school district.
Tammy Liebbe
Head Cook/Bus Driver
Tammy works hard in the High School Kitchen during the day and ends the day as a Bus Driver. While doing this for 16+ years, she has been the definition of a hard worker. She is always on time and has a positive attitude. She is loved by all! In the lunch line, she knows each student’s likes and dislikes, she makes conversations with them, makes them laugh, argues with them on taking their vegetables and, best of all, she takes into consideration their lunch requests! She loves making those kids happy and she loves the compliments they give her on her food! Even after working her 8 hours in the kitchen, she still has energy to drive her 75-minute bus route. Throughout her years, she has driven most of the routes and has taken almost all of our students home. Tammy fills in when needed to also drive in the mornings and never complains. She has so much energy and the kids feel her energy and give it back to her.
Kelly Leikert
Social Worker
Kelly is a quiet leader who supports all types of learners and is a blessing to Fennville Elementary staff and students. She cares for our children tremendously; it shows in the way she patiently yet professionally helps our most challenging students. Kelly also checks in on staff members who are struggling with difficult situations. She is patient and kind and brings a calming presence to stressful situations. Kelly provides outstanding support to our learners identified with autism spectrum disorder and/or cognitive impairments. In addition to providing specialized instruction to our level 2 special education students to support their development of social/emotional skills, Kelly responds to help "de-escalate" when those students exhibit unsafe or acting-out behaviors. It is a privilege to have Kelly as part of our special education team at Fennville Elementary School.
Glenn Public School
Pictured left to right: Superintendent Jamie Walle, Angela Crum, Jenna Stivers, and Alyssa Lamb.
Jenna Stivers
Jenna is in her 6th year of teaching Kindergarten at Glenn. According to her students, Mrs. Stivers is a great teacher! She helps during hard times, loves the children she teaches, and is always in a good mood. Mrs. Stivers approaches her standards with suitable lessons and fun activities, including a fun song to sing while learning numbers up to one hundred.
Angela Crum
Angela is in her first year of teaching at Glenn in the upper elementary room. When thinking about what happens every day in the classroom, it’s more than what comes from a textbook. Mrs. Crum makes her students feel safe while engaging them with a personality that makes mornings better.
Alyssa Lamb
Instructional Aide
Alyssa is in her first year at Glenn as an instructional aide in the 1st and 2nd-grade classroom. Miss Lamb makes every student feel special. In her daily interactions with students, she treats them all with kindness and respect. Miss Lamb’s presence in the classroom helps students feel like they are in a place that is loving and kind.
Hopkins Public Schools
Pictured left to right: Superintendent Gary Wood, Bill Bauman, Sharon Secor, and Jill DuChene.
Sharon Secor
Sharon teaches in a way that kids are able to learn. The smile on her face helps to express the love she has for her students. She encourages students in their writing and at least four of them got their writings published this year. She especially understands how to teach and manage behavior of young boys which is not always easy for some teachers. She uses positive reinforcement techniques in her classrooms and all kids feel safe when they are around her. She speaks softly and gently with all kids so that none of them fear her yet respect her to listen and learn. One former student said “I hope you know that you are one of the best teachers I've had. You gave your time to know me, talk to me, and help me. You were so nice to me, and I hope you know that you make a difference in everyone's life without even knowing. You also made a difference in my school life, home life, and education.”
Jill DuChene
Jill is a 5th grade teacher at Hopkins Elementary. She is well liked and respected by her students. Student comments about Jill include: “Mrs. Duchene has been a really good teacher and she is the best fifth grade teacher. She has made a huge impact on me, not just as my teacher, but as my friend.” “Mrs. DuChene makes learning interesting. She can be funny, yet serious. She is a great person to ask to help you find a book. She is a kind, hard working person.” “So far, she has been one of my favorite teachers. I am watching my classmates grow in math, reading, writing, and lots more. In her classroom, I feel like I'm at my house with my family.” “I feel invincible being in her classroom, like I can do anything when it comes to learning. She always finds a way to make learning fun.”
Bill Bauman
Volunteer/Robotics Coach
Bill has helped with the TechVikes since 2007, giving selflessly to the Hopkins Robotics program since its inception. He has impacted the lives of students in a very positive way. The endless hours he volunteers for our kids is remarkable. He is dedicated to maintaining high standards and seeing that our team is always competitive. Mr. Bauman teaches students to work through problems and engineer their own robot. He is a true mentor every day. He has a talent for inspiration and has helped many of the local youth into STEM fields. He has founded multiple teams across West Michigan, kindling a spark for learning in both young and old. Bill is a caring soul who pours his heart into the work he does. He is an amazing mentor, teacher, and friend.
Martin Public Schools
Pictured left to right: Superintendent Samantha Ball, Rob Harrison, Karen Andrews, and Jason Lovorn.
Karen Andrews
Karen is a Young Fives teacher and was nominated by a parent of one of her current students. The parents were very nervous about sending their student to school for the first time, but Mrs. Andrews calmed their nerves right away when they found out how sweet and fun she is. The parent continues to say how their son adores her and loves going to school and appreciate how she is fun and structured at the same time. Karen Andrews truly loves each of her students and we are very thankful to have her as an educator here at MPS for our youngest students. She deserves much recognition and thanks for her compassion, love, and extraordinary way of educating our little ones.
Rob Harrison
Rob is a middle/high school woodshop teacher. He was nominated by an anonymous co-worker and is the perfect example of a well-rounded educator. He is knowledgeable about the content he teaches and engages students in projects on a whole new level. He makes learning fun but takes safety seriously. Rob also encourages students who do not thrive in an academic environment while providing them with opportunities to thrive. He loves his students and takes building a relationship with them seriously. Rob exemplifies a true Clipper that promotes a positive learning environment while teaching students to be lifelong learners.
Jason Lovorn
Jason is a 5th grade teacher and was nominated by a parent and an anonymous co-worker. Mr. Lovorn has been labeled as fun, exciting, clear, organized, messy and chaotic. He creatively finds ways to engage his students to learn about science in a way that meets them where they are at. With his real-life experiences, he also makes the lessons relatable to the outside world. Jason is one of the biggest cheerleaders at MPS, where he cultivates an environment of mutual respect and trust for students of all ages. He also encourages all the elementary students to be positive role models with the monthly PBIS assemblies and holds all students accountable to high expectations throughout the school. His goal is to see that ALL students succeed and successfully learn in the years to come.
Otsego Public Schools
Pictured left to right: Superintendent Jeff Haase, Lacey Walbrook, and Katie Boelman.
Josh Holmes
Josh has been a special education teacher at Otsego High School for 17 years. He is a true example of the important work that special education teachers do daily and has been instrumental in finding a path to success for students with great challenges. Josh’s nomination documented his commitment to a student on his caseload as a freshman, who is now a senior. This student, who had autism, had a tough life. But Josh saw his potential and connected him to a work-based program, transportation, and mental health services. This is one of many examples where Josh has altered the course of a student’s life to ensure success after high school by connecting them with their interests, jobs, and pathways.
Lacey Walbrook
Administrative Assistant
Lacey is the administrative assistant at Learn ‘n Grow Preschool and is a “light” as the first face and voice someone encounters when they call or come into the school. As her nomination mentioned, that person is the litmus test of the school’s culture and climate. Lacey goes above and beyond making everyone feel comfortable, confident, and ready to meet school year goals. She tackles difficult questions with kindness and calm, welcomes families into the preschool community, shows empathy and care to the school and is always there for teachers by checking in, seeing what they need. She is one of the main reasons Learn ‘n Grow is so successful.
Katie Boelman
Social Worker
Katie is the social worker at Otsego High School. Katie is the “go-to” girl for students - and staff - ensuring they get what they need - from basic needs to mental health. She builds strong relationships with students and their families, staying in constant communication with them via email, phone, texts, and home visits when needed. Katie is connected in the community to provide for our students and their families, runs the school’s clothes closet and helps with food baskets. Katie runs the Bulldog Success program giving students struggling academically a space and support to get some extra help after school. Students seek her out daily to check in, get social/emotional support, get a snack, hygiene needs, clothes, or a hug and high-five! Katie is very intentional in her support for students and communicates effectively with staff to keep them informed. Katie’s commitment to our children in Otsego is her mission, passion, and privilege.
Plainwell Community Schools
Pictured left to right: Kelli Stuifbergen, Superintendent Matt Montange, and Kim Veen.
Denise Beauchamp
Choir Director
This is Denise’s 9th year as the Choir Director at Plainwell High School. In addition to directing all PHS Choirs and Honors Choir, Denise also directs the annual spring musical and is in her second year of team-teaching 8th grade choir at Plainwell Middle School. Denise also started a Tri-M Chapter at Plainwell High School this school year and is enjoying learning more about how to effectively lead and guide student-musicians to hone their leadership skills by going above and beyond in service to their school and community members. Teaching in Plainwell has taught her just as many lessons as she has brought to her own students and she is filled with gratitude for her colleagues (past and present), administration, and incredible PHS Choir students and their families that have been with her on this amazing, musical journey.
Kelli Stuifbergen
Early Childhood Coordinator & Great Start Family Coach
Kelli has worked for Plainwell Community Schools for almost 10 years in various roles. As our family coach, she works with our littlest Trojans and their families, to ensure they are prepared for preschool and Kindergarten. Kelli has been described as going "above and beyond the call of her work as the Great Start Family Coach. She brings kindness, respect and compassion to her work." Kelli is known throughout the district as the "first face" of PCS for incoming families. In her role she gets to create unique relationships as she is the first person that many of our families meet as they begin their educational journey at PCS. It's been said that "her time, energy, support and service to our littlest learners is unmatched."
Kim Veen
English Learner (EL) Aide
Kim Veen joined the staff at Plainwell High School in 2017. After many years of being a stay-at-home mom to her four children (who have all been Trojans since Kindergarten), she went back to work in the Front Office at PHS. During Covid, she filled various positions and discovered that she enjoyed empowering the EL population. Through this role, she has really found her passion in education. In her role, Kim provides a compassionate place for unaccompanied refugee minors to see if they can be successful in a high school environment. In her own words, Kim shares that she "loves to see how a student can move from silence to laughs and giggles to trying English pronunciations to participating in class!" It has been quoted that "Kim's heart extends beyond the boundaries of PHS. Plainwell owes a great deal of gratitude to this selfless woman."
Wayland Union Schools
Pictured left to right: Cierra Onken, Superintendent Tim Reeves, and Dawn Stein.
Cierra Onken
Cierra has always worked closely with her students and their families to find the best education path to benefit her students, especially if they struggle in traditional classrooms. Cierra has an extremely dedicated mindset of always looking for ways to help her students succeed. When Cierra isn’t working with students, she is looking for opportunities to grow her personal education, specifically in leadership positions. Being nominated twice, by a staff member and a parent, it’s easy to see why Cierra is an outstanding person in education.
Dawn Stein
Executive Administrative Assistant
It is difficult to articulate all that Dawn does to keep Wayland Union Schools running behind the scenes. She is a huge advocate for all staff and students, always keeping what is in the best interest of everyone at the heart of her work. Dawn is the first person that families interact with when enrolling in the district, in which she provides a welcoming environment and a strong knowledge base to set the students up for success. Dawn is also a huge resource for all the secretaries within the district, and a tremendous source of support for the Wayland Board of Education and Central Office team. Wayland is extremely lucky to have such an Outstanding Person for Education within our district.
Chris Teller
Fine Arts Center Director
Chris is the definition of a team player. He consistently comes in early and stays late to make sure all Fine Arts performances are memorable. He is extremely knowledgeable with lighting design and an amazing sound engineer. He also works closely with high school students to pass on his knowledge of lighting, sound, stage, and streaming. Wayland is incredibly lucky to have someone that works so hard to make sure students, staff, and community members have wonderful experiences within the Fine Arts Center.