Shandy Longcore

On February 15th, 2024, Shandy Longcore, Founder of Embracing Imperfections shared her story, mental health resources and coping strategies with the Hopkins Middle and High School students. Shandy shares her story with whoever it might help.  She figured out that if she educated a few people along the way, it might help more people. What she didn’t expect was that she learned more about how many people are hurting, that suicide is too often swept under the rug, and that together, we can prevent it. 

Bringing awareness, tools and resources to students, could absolutely save a life. Hopkins school resource officer Tracey Keefauver agrees, stating “I believe that the mental health and wellness of our students directly relates to school safety. I always want the students to know that they are loved and cared for by many at Hopkins Public Schools. That’s why having Shandy come to our buildings to speak to our students is important to me. Teaching our students to embrace the honesty of imperfection to discover how amazing they are as individuals will set them up for success as they set forth in this world”.

Support staff and social workers at Hopkins Public Schools are always available to talk with and help students in times of need.