2024 Outstanding People for Education Award Winners

Each year the Outstanding People for Education Awards recognizes individuals in Allegan County that are going above and beyond to serve the students in our public schools. Eight local school districts and the Allegan Area ESA each selected three recipients for the award. The awards, sponsored by the Allegan County School Board Association, were presented at a banquet at Plainwell Community Schools on May 15, 2024.

Allegan Area ESA

3 ESA winners

Pictured left to right: Ted Polomcak, Leah O’Neill, Angelena Anaya

Angelena Anaya, Instructional Assistant

Angelena is a GSRP Instructional Assistant.  She loves her students and gives them the right amount of encouragement and assistance.  Not only does she want the best for our students, she challenges her coworkers to be their best.  Without her, the students would not be as successful as they are.  The person who nominated her said, “The students are excited every morning to come in our room and Angelena is a huge reason for this.”

Leah O’Neill, Teacher

Leah is a teacher at Hillside Learning Center in the Transition Age Sensory and Communication classroom. She is the epitome of a Whole Child instructor.  She consistently demonstrates a tremendous level of respect to our students, addressing them as “sir” or “maam”.  She does not shy away from new challenges and always puts the needs of her students first.  She is kind, caring, and compassionate. Leah is a true role model whose integrity, work ethic, and pursuit of excellence inspire everyone around her, making her an invaluable asset to Hillside and the Allegan Area ESA.

Ted Polomcak, Technology Support Specialist

Ted is a Technology Support Specialist at Allegan Area ESA.  When Ted interacts with staff, he is helpful, respectful, and always has a positive attitude. Often, the staff members needing IT support are not having their best day. Ted is not phased by this and won’t stop until the problem is solved.  Ted’s nominator said “He always has a positive attitude, even when he is probably answering the same question for the umpteenth time.”

Allegan Public Schools

3 Allegan winners

Pictured left to right: Christopher Reeve, Kathleen Karwoski, Superintendent James Antoine

Kathleen Karwoski, Teacher

Kathleen was selected as an Outstanding Person for Education for Allegan Public Schools due to her dedication as a first-grade teacher at Dawson Elementary. Her classroom is lively and promotes curiosity, where learning and joy intertwine through interactive activities and hands-on experiences. Kathleen's commitment goes beyond traditional teaching; she infuses every lesson with warmth and care, creating a nurturing environment where children feel safe, valued, and eager to explore. Her innovative use of music and language enriches the learning experience, making complex concepts accessible and fun. Moreover, Kathleen’s personal interactions, from morning elbow bumps and encouraging songs to addressing individual concerns swiftly and with compassion, exemplify her empathy and commitment. Parents and students alike cherish her ability to transform educational challenges into adventures, making her a truly outstanding educator.

Christopher Reeve, Principal

Chris was selected as an Outstanding Person for Education for Allegan Public Schools due to his leadership and commitment to students at L.E. White Middle School. Chris’s empathetic and inclusive approach ensures that everyone feels heard and valued. His open-door policy and dedication to teamwork helps foster a collaborative environment. Chris has been particularly instrumental in supporting the special education department, dedicating countless hours to enhance student support and embracing innovative changes to better serve their needs. Beyond administrative duties, his personal involvement—from offering his office as a sanctuary for students needing a break to personally driving them to school—highlights his dedication to the community and desire to create a nurturing educational atmosphere. Chris is highly respected by colleagues, students, and parents alike for his ability to lead with compassion, listen without judgment, and maintain fairness in adversity.

Heidi Denton, OnPoint Prevention Services Supervisor

Heidi was selected as an Outstanding Person for Education for Allegan Public Schools due to her commitment to nurturing the well-being of some of our most vulnerable students. For over a decade, Heidi has been a crucial figure in the fight against youth addiction and at-risk behaviors, equipping both staff and students with essential knowledge and resources to recognize and address these issues effectively. Her proactive approach includes leading informative sessions on contemporary trends in substance abuse, from tobacco to drugs, and teaching the transformative Prime for Life class at both Allegan High School and L.E. White Middle School. This class offers students more than just disciplinary actions; it provides valuable lessons on making safer choices, turning potential punitive moments into opportunities for personal growth. Furthermore, Heidi's efforts have significantly enriched Allegan’s educational resources through grants, which have introduced innovations like vape detectors and educational webinars to the community. Heidi’s dedication and expert knowledge in preventive education helps foster a safer and more informed school environment.

Fennville Public Schools

3 fennville winners

Pictured left to right: Erica Ruffner-Rowell, Alyssa Busscher, Superintendent Doug Greer

Alyssa Busscher, Teacher

Alyssa is an exceptional teacher. Alyssa is a perfect example of positivity in the classroom. You can tell just by interacting with her in the hallways or a brief conversation with her that she has a deep care for her students and will do everything in her power to teach and love every one of her students. Alyssa works tirelessly to meet the needs of each of her students, and so often she does so on her own time. She does not expect to be recognized for all her work but deserves to be recognized for all she does. Alyssa makes it a priority to differentiate instruction for her students and goes above and beyond in this area. Her dedication to creating an inclusive and nurturing environment in her classroom has had a significant impact on her student’s academic and personal growth. Alyssa is always encouraging her students to believe in themselves and be the best that they can be. She supports them along the way and is their biggest cheerleader every day. Even in challenging moments or after hard days, Alyssa always finds a way to find the positive in each of her students, and that is one of the things that makes her an exceptional teacher.

Erica Ruffner-Rowell, Teacher and Coach

Erica has increased her depth and broadened her impact on so many students over the 2023-24 school year. She is always seeking ways to impact young people both in the classroom and outside. Over the last year she has become the Varsity Track Coach, Middle School Cross Country Coach, Varsity Assistant Cross Country Coach, and High School Running Club Sponsor. Academically, she has helped students to create a school newspaper “Wingspan”. Her addition to Track has drawn in more kids to find belonging on a team. Her positive contributions to Middle School Cross Country will feed the High School program. Her coaching style and drive for leading has pushed the woman’s cross-country team to its first team state qualification in history.

Bryan Garcia, Special Education Paraprofessional

Bryan is an outstanding person altogether, but especially in the way he serves students at Fennville Elementary School. Bryan is just naturally very good at what he does with his kind nature and humility, but he tries to learn about the students he serves. Whether that be efforts to learn about their Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices and supports, trying to find the balance of setting clear expectations and showing tremendous amounts of care to be trauma-informed, and a willingness to readily respond to and learn from suggestions given. Bryan works with some of the highest needs students in the building and continues to maintain a positive and kindhearted nature day in and day out. Whether what is ensuring students’ safety and facilitation interactions with peers with developmental disabilities at lunch and recess, remaining even keeled while supporting students who demonstrate escalated and heightened behavior, or checking in on coworkers after particularly difficult days, Mr. Bryan makes a difference for so many.

Glenn Public School

3 Glenn winners with superintendent

Pictured left to right: Superintendent Jamie Walle, Jenn Cook, Amy Bain, Marissa Larabel

Amy Bain, Teacher

Amy always has a positive attitude, even in the face of chaos. She’s very flexible when the schedule changes and always has a backup plan. She is always a team player and an excellent leader in the classroom. The students respect her and have fun in her class. Amy shares her passion for learning and it is reflected in the students' engagement in activities and lessons.

Marissa Larabel, Instructional Assistant

According to one of our Glenn School students, “Miss Larabel is really nice, kind, and safe.” Many students note how she is willing to help not only them but also their classmates and other staff members. Marissa looks out for the student's well-being by ensuring they are okay if they get hurt, sharing her pencil sharpener, and helping with homework. Many students show Marissa their admiration by sharing daily hugs and high-fives.

Jenn Cook, Teacher

Ms. Cook is in her first year of teaching at Glenn School as a first and second-grade teacher. She has continuously gone above and beyond to meet the needs of her students. The parents see her efforts in implementing classroom practices that improve the experience for all her students. Ms. Cook achieves the balance of fun and outdoor education, and she encourages her students to be their best. Parents appreciate the daily communication and strategies she provides to help them support the team effort of supporting their students.

Hopkins Public Schools

3 hopkins winnners

Pictured left to right: Amy Pitsch, Kathryn Jager, Tim Dommenick

Tim Dommenick, Teacher

Tim is a Hopkins High school teacher who builds quality relationships with students both inside the classroom and as a former basketball coach.  His class is very welcoming and highly interesting for students and he is a trusted adult for students. Tim has a wide variety of students from multiple grades and does a good job of creating a family-like environment.

Kathryn Jager, Director of Finance & Operations

Katie is an HPS alumni and has been a dedicated employee at Hopkins Public Schools for 27 years.  She has thoroughly served multiple roles in the administration office with her attention to accuracy and detail in all she does. She is willing to take on whatever tasks are assigned and she does them all well. Katie is always learning and continuing to improve, has high expectations for herself and others, and is the type of person to always do the right thing, even if it is not popular. She is one of the most valuable, yet unrecognized, employees in the Hopkins district.

Amy Pitsch, Teacher

Amy is a teacher at Hopkins Elementary School.  She shows an amazing amount of support to her students and their families. You can literally feel the compassion that she has for her students. She is honest, understanding, and is the reason to believe that there are amazing teachers in this world. Hands down she is doing what she is supposed to be doing in life.

She greets students and parents with warmth, respect, and genuine concern. In the classroom, Amy meets each student where they are and celebrates their individual successes as if they were her own children.

Martin Public Schools
3 martin winners with superintendent

Pictured left to right: Rob Robrahn, Superintendent Samantha Ball, Melissa Anderson, Art Shook

Art Shook, Retired Board Member/President

The phrase “Once a Clipper, Always a Clipper” rings true for Art, who has been a Martin Clipper his entire life.  A multi-generational Martinite, Art graduated from Martin, raised his family and had two children graduate as Clippers, and has also had grandchildren in the school district.  A servant-leader by nature, Art served on the Martin Board of Education not once, but twice, over two decades apart and was incredibly impactful during both stints on the board. He also served as the board president twice, helping guide the school district through both good and turbulent times. Art’s generosity, kind nature, and true passion and commitment to Martin Public Schools and the community of Martin have made, and will continue to make, an impact that will last for generations.    

Melissa Anderson, Teacher

Melissa has been a part of Martin Public Schools for 27 years, currently serving the district as a 1st grade teacher at Brandon Elementary. Throughout her years at Martin, she has been a positive influence on so many students and families she has worked with. She has been a team player to her colleagues and has kept what is best for students in mind with the decisions she makes. The relationships that she builds with her students at the earliest stages in their academic career are so strong that they stay in contact with her throughout the remainder of their journey at school and even once they graduate. Melissa spends many hours planning outside of the school day and has a true passion and commitment to her students' success, focusing on building strong foundations in their reading and math skills. Melissa emulates positivity, supports the social-emotional growth of our youngest students, and truly is a gift to the students and staff of Brandon Elementary.   

Rob Robrahn, Teacher

Rob has served as a teacher for Martin Public Schools for 24 years. He always has a positive attitude and is excited to showcase student success within and outside of the classroom through science and technology instruction. Rob builds positive relationships with students and colleagues in productive ways, as anyone that interacts with Rob knows he is a genuine and caring person. He has been a mentor to new teachers and develops life-long friendships with everyone he interacts with. Rob is a gift to the Martin school district and his integrity and commitment to student success is unwavering.

Otsego Public Schools
3 otsego winners with superintendent

Pictured left to right: Superintendent Jeff Haase, Renee Vaughn, Anna Starr, Kendall Muhr

Kendall Muhr, Teacher

Kendall is finishing her second-year teaching at Otsego High School. She quickly became a student favorite for science courses as well as a leader among her science colleagues and high school staff. Kendall is an all-around go-to teacher. She has captured the attention of her students who ask their counselors what she’s teaching so they can add it to their schedule, and when students are struggling with social/emotional concerns, she’s listed as an adult in the building they connect with. In addition, Kendall is looking out for new, meaningful experiences for our students and hopes to start an additional AP course. She’s made an incredible impact in her short time at Otsego.

Anna Starr, Behavioral Health Services Coordinator

Anna has been with Otsego Public Schools for more than 10 years now but took on a new role this year as the Behavioral Health Services Coordinator. She has far surpassed any expectations about what this job could be. Her impact has been truly profound. She has worked to identify homeless families to provide them essential resources, added professional development opportunities within the district to foster understanding and compassion for students who have endured traumatic experiences. Anna actively mentors and supports the district's social workers and behavioral support staff, serving as a valuable multiplier effect in enhancing their effectiveness.

Renee Vaughn, Registrar, Homeless Liaison, & Facilities Coordinator

The power of a first impression is tangible with the warm smile and positivity of Renee. She wears many hats - she’s the District Registrar, Homeless Liaison, and Facilities Coordinator. Renee is extremely organized and performs each of those roles exceptionally. She warmly welcomes new and returning families and helps them, step by step, through the registration process. As the homeless liaison, she compassionately works with struggling families to provide for their basic needs and remains in touch with them after their needs are met. She also masterfully manages the calendars of every building and works well with groups renting OPS spaces. Every day Renee brings a warm smile and positivity that brightens the day of everyone she meets.

Plainwell Community Schools

two otsego winners with superintendent

Pictured left to right: Kristen Gonyeau, Superintendent Matt Montange, Lynne Seibert

Lynne Seibert, Administrative Assistant & Coach

Lynne began working at Plainwell Community Schools as the Men’s and Women’s Dive Coach. After growing up with a coach that helped mold her, she began her coaching career at Hackett Catholic Central. After several years, she transitioned to PCS, her alma mater, to coach since 2011. In addition, Lynne has been an administrative assistant at Plainwell Middle School for ten years. In her own words, Lynne states “There is something special about middle school students. I love interacting with students daily and love their quirky sense of humor, their laughter and gratitude for the things we do. I love the staff I work with, the parents/guardians of students, and the office setting. My job rocks because I get to have fun with middle schoolers daily!” Lynne truly aspires to provide the very best to each and every student and family in the Plainwell district every day.

Jeff Lindstrom, Flex Program Supervisor & Coach

Jeff Lindstrom has worked for Plainwell Community Schools for eight years in various roles. He began his career at Plainwell High School working as a Level 1 Special Education Case Manager and most recently transitioned to the role of Flex Program Supervisor in 2021. The Flex Program is an Alternative Education Classroom within PHS and as the director, Jeff works with our junior and senior Trojans to ensure they are getting the support they need academically and behaviorally to ensure they complete their graduation requirements. There are currently 21 students who Jeff is working with that are on-track to graduate with the class of 2024. Jeff is also a leader with PHS’ Champions Program for incoming Freshman, as well as the Middle and High School Tennis Coach for the last five seasons. Through these roles, his “kind and calm demeanor are a reflection of his inner character.” He is known to provide “support and encouragement, after the wins AND losses.” It is Jeff’s character that puts his students at “ease during the toughest matches” whether in the classroom or on the tennis court.

Kristen Gonyeau, Teacher

Kristen is in her 23rd year of teaching, including nine years at Plainwell Community Schools where she is currently a first grade teacher at Starr Elementary School. Through her education at Central Michigan University and then her early days at Dorothy J. McGinnis Reading Center and Clinic at Western Michigan University as a graduate assistant, she really found her passion in education, specifically reading which she earned her Masters degree in. While her degree has helped her to be a successful educator, it is her “WHY” that keeps her passionate about the education of today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders. In describing her “WHY”, Kristen stated: “When I think about the "WHY" of teaching, only one thing comes to mind. To make a positive difference in the lives of these little children that deserve a chance. So often they come from homes where they are not seen or heard. They are desperate for attention and love. That is where I come in. Is it my job to teach them the curriculum so they go on to be successful in school? Of course. But I also consider it my job to just LOVE them. So they learn to believe in themselves as I do. And to learn life skills that help prepare them for the real world. From their smiles, to their hugs, to the hilarious things they say. I see their innocence and how much they have to offer this world. It truly brings me joy that I get to help shape their futures in some small way.”

Wayland Union Schools

two wayland winners with superintendent

Pictured left to right: Superintendent Tim Reeves, Beth Nykerk, Morgan Lee-Pfister

Deann Huffman, General Aide

Deann has worked tirelessly throughout the school year to build connections with every student she comes in contact with. In the morning, she assists with student drop-off and is always offering words of encouragement to start off the school day. She is a natural at regulating big feelings in WUS kids, constantly helping to break down their barriers and get them back into a learning environment. If there is a need in the building, Deann is the first one to volunteer with a smile on her face.

Beth Nykerk, Teacher

Beth lives by the philosophy of “all means all” when it comes to educating her students. She welcomes students with significant needs into her classroom with open arms. She is constantly working towards making all of her students feel successful while maintaining a positive attitude. Beth actively incorporates movement, dance, and out-of-the-box techniques to teach in all subject areas. She also emphasizes the importance of being a good human to her 2nd graders and leads by example. Her love for her students goes beyond her time as a 2nd grade teacher. Every year, her students create a time capsule that they open together their last week of senior year. With Beth Nykerk as your teacher, 2nd grade will be a highlight of your educational career at Wayland Union Schools.

Morgan Lee-Pfister, Teacher

Morgan is one of the co-teachers at Wayland Union Middle School with a Level 1 Special Education teacher. While co-teaching can be a challenge, Morgan has remained respectful and complementary of her co-teacher’s style. Morgan has been able to build great relationships with her students, parents, and co-workers. She’s an excellent communicator and remains reflective in her teaching style, which is evident in her growth mindset. Morgan has persevered through the last few school years and has never lost her “why” for teaching.