Administrators from the school districts served by the Allegan Area ESA are taking part in a program professional learning series designed to develop leadership capacity at the local and county level. The Team-Based Leadership Collaborative (TBLC) has had four sessions so far this school year.
The Instructional Services team could not be more pleased with the participation in this series,” said Allegan Area ESA Science Consultant Amy Oliver. “District leaders are engaging in meaningful collaboration and action planning around systemic improvements for their schools. Conversations around alignment and breaking down the silos of building level work are occurring."
"The opportunity to do this work alongside leaders in every one of our districts has been extremely rewarding,” said Allegan Area ESA Director of Learning Rebecca Longcore. “Each district brings its own unique lens to this work and consequently has something very significant to contribute."
The series is in alignment with the Allegan Area ESA's Strategic Plan. Specifically in the efforts to support a quality learning environment and culture utilizing the Whole Child Framework; to recruit, develop and retain highly qualified, engaged and responsive employees; and to foster community partnerships and create awareness of Allegan Area ESA and its quality, comprehensive programs, and services. Allegan Area ESA is in its second year of a partnership with the MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center to scale up multi-tiered systems of support in each one of the Allegan County schools.