Get Connected

Diapers & wipes
Clothing & furniture
Food & formula assistance
Utilities assistance
Housing assistance
Domestic violence, dental, mental health & medical provider referrals

Pregnancy support (Positive Options, WIC, On Point Allegan, Early Head Start, 20 Hands, etc.)
Age 0-3 support (WIC, On Point Allegan, 20 Hands, Early On, etc.)
Parents as Teachers home visitation services (Early Head Start, Allegan Area ESA)

Parent support groups, trainings, webinars

Low-cost licensed childcare centers
Low-cost licensed homes
Free Early Head Start childcare center (0-3 year olds) *For those who qualify.
To find information on financial support for childcare, please visit the Department of Health and Human Services.

Low-Cost preschool (3-4 year old)
Free Head Start preschool (3-4 year old) *For those who qualify
Free GSRP preschool (4 year old)
To see if your child qualifies for free preschool through Head Start, please review their income guidelines.

Early On® Michigan is the system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers, birth up to age three, with disabilities and/or delays, and their families.)
Build Up helps parents and their eligible children, ages 3 through 5, access special education supports and services as they develop and learn skills before they go to kindergarten.